Sunday, April 24, 2016

Council Update

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dennis Lacey <>
Date: Sun, Apr 24, 2016, 9:15 PM
Subject: Council Update
To: Dennis Lacey <>

Dear Brother Knights,
Please take a moment to review our upcoming events and take steps to be PART OF IT!
This month's Grand Knight's message:
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." Matthew 5:7 
"I ask you, then, to rediscover the corporal works of mercy: to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger…Nor should we overlook the spiritual works of mercy: to counsel the doubtful, comfort the sorrowful, forgive offences.." Pope Francis Message – XXX1 World Youth Day 2016
"Mercy in our Lives" Retreat –Sat. May 7th Special Message
Pope Francis has asked all to participate in this Holy and Jubilee Year of Mercy.
The Knights of Columbus and CWL are jointly hosting a very special one day retreat/mission featuring the ever dynamic evangelist Father Paul Nicholson.  It will be held on Saturday, May 7th and all the details are in the attached poster. This special retreat will include Mass at starting at 8:30 a.m., Sessions les by Fr. Paul, Confession & Benediction. Details attached.
Brother Val Mansey, Brother Chris Jacques-Carr and Brother David Easson
Organizing Committee
Here are the other upcoming events which are taking place.   Mark your calendars.  Remember any time, no matter how little, dedicated to our efforts makes us stronger.
 Apr. 26th
Council Business Meeting
-          -7:30 pm
Church Basement Room West
All welcome to gain more detailed info on council's activities.
Sat. Apr. 30th
Pasta Bingo!
-          -5:30 pm (after 4:30 Mass)
Parish Hall starting after Mass.
Contact Reid Robertson
Prize money for the winners & proceeds benefiting our charity for the evening. Last of the season.
 May 3rd
Council General Meeting
-          -7:30 pm
2325 (Top end) Liverpool Rd., N. from Finch.(Church Hall occupied)
All welcome to join us in our traditional assembly. All brothers are encouraged to attend to build fraternity and engage collaboratively on the planning and execution of the council's goals and objectives. Come help us build our Mission and Vision.
Fri. May 6 to Sun. May. 8th KofC Charity Raffle Weekend
KofC Annual Charity Tickets Raffle
-          -Fri. May. 6, Sat. May. 7 and Sun. May 8th
Pickering Town Centre Mall
Contacts for Time Slots and Ticket Books: Agnel Soans 905-839-4445, Emmanuel Volney 905-427-3619
We have our 2nd Weekend Sale of the KofC Annual Charities Raffle Tickets at the Pickering Mall. This is an important fundraiser for ON State Charities: Special Olympics, Arthritis Society and our council.
Sat. May 7th
KofC – CWL 'Mercy in Our Lives Retreat'
-          - 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Contact David Eason Val Mansey  or Chris Jacques-Carr
Fr Paul Nicholson- Missionary Preacher for the  New Evangelization will host CWL and Knights for a themed retreat on Mercy: Applications and Implications in our lives. Agenda: Mass, Fr Paul led sessions; Rosary, Latin Mass, Confession.
Sun. May 8th
Mothers Day Breakfast
-          - After 10:00 AM MASS
$5. Per Person; $15. Per family.
Contact: Bernie Douglas
Come bring and your treat your wives, family & friends to our annual Mothers Day Breakfast Special family rates.
Sat. May 14th
KofC Talent Show
-          - 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Orchard Villa Retirement Centre
Contact Allan Ashby
The popular talent show is back again this year with expected local performers including solo singers, groups and bands.
Sat. May 28th
KofC 11098 10th Annual Fr. Diego Memorial Golf Tourney
Mill Run Club, Uxbridge
Contact Claude Rochefort or Paul Bertrand
Reminder to all Brothers to support this leading Council Charity fundraiser through signing up to golf, asking for sponsors or dorr prizes, getting involved.
 May 31st
Council Business Meeting
-          -7:30 pm
Church Hall
All welcome to gain more detailed info on council's activities.
Sat. June 4th
KofC / CWL 'Craft / GarageTrunk Sale'
-          -8:30 am to 1:30 pm
Church Parking Lot & Hall
$20. Per table. BBQ Lunch, Refreshments
Contact: Al Ashby
Come out, bring family,friends to this 1st 'Craft & Garage sale' sponsored by the KofC & CWL. See what sorts of treasures you can discover from many vendors in the parking lot & Church Hall.
 June 7th
Council General Meeting
-          -7:30 pm
Church Hall
(Rosary or Mass at 7pm in Chapel)
All welcome to join us in our traditional assembly. All brothers are encouraged to attend to build fraternity and engage collaboratively on the planning and execution of the council's goals and objectives. Come help us build our Mission and Vision.
Vivat Jesus!
COUNCIL 11098 St. Isaac Jogues, Pickering, Ontario CANADA
To provide a supportive network of Catholic men, who, in accordance
with the principles of our Faith provide works of charity to benefit our parish priests,
fellow members and their families and the needs of our community.

VISION   To be leaders of our Catholic Faith who inspire the men of our Parish to join us as Brother Knights.

Alberto Da Ros

Thursday, April 7, 2016

2016-03-12 St. Patrick's Day Dance with KOFC 11098

This email contains images, if you're unable to view it properly, go here:
We just wanted to let you know that the event you submitted to snapd Pickering has been published! You can view and share the photos online here:

St. Patrick's Pub Night
On a day where luck is toasted at celebrations across the globe, the metaphorical pot of gold remains to be the smiles gathered round the table. Last month, the Knights of Columbus - St. Isaac Jogues hosted a St. Patrick's Pub Night garnering a goldmine...Read More...
Bert Volney's pics