Sat. Oct. 1
& Sun.
Oct. 2nd
KofC 11098 Brs. Membership Drive
-Church, After Every Mass
Contact: Blair Sears
Assist our Council in recruiting new Brothers to the Knights. Info brochures distributed after each Mass.
Oct. 2nd
Life Chain Event 2016
- -2:00 to 3:00 pm
Liverpool & Kingston Rd. (Hwy. 2)
Contact: Chris Jacques-Carr
Stand with thousands of pro-life individuals throughout the USA and Canada in honor of millions of babies whose lives have been lost
Oct. 4th
General Meeting
- -7:30 pm
Church Hall
(Rosary or Mass at 7pm in Chapel)
All welcome to join us in our traditional assembly. All brothers are encouraged to attend to build fraternity and engage collaboratively on the planning and execution of the council's goals and objectives. Come help us build our Mission and Vision.
Sat. Oct. 8
& Sun.
Oct. 9th
KofC 11098 Brs. Membership Drive
-Church, Every Mass
Foyer Display Booth
Pulpit Speech at each Mass. Brothers can assist by getting names, encourage membership.
Oct. 13th
- -7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Church Hall
Contact: Blair Sears
All Brothers welcome to assist & attend in set up, preparations and support our potential new brothers wishing to become Knights of Columbus members.
Oct. 25th
Counil Business Meeting
- -7:30 pm
Church Hall
All welcome to gain more detailed info on council's activities
Oct. 27th
Admissions (1st) Degree
- -7:00 pm
Church Hall
Contact: Blair Sears
Our council team will conduct the Admissions Degree - for St. Isaac Jogues new candidates & surrounding councils. ALL brothers are encouraged to attend as support our brotherhood.
Oct. 29th
Pasta Bingo is Back
- -5:30 pm (after 4:30 Mass)
Parish Hall starting after Mass.
Prize money for the winners & proceeds benefiting our charity for the evening. Last of the season.
Oct. 30th
Knights of Columbus Rosary Sunday
- -Before a selected Mass TBA
Contact David Easson
Knights across Canada & the US honor the month of the Holy Rosary by leading rosary prayers.
Nov. 1st
General Meeting
- -7:30 pm
Church Hall
(Rosary or Mass at 7pm in Chapel)
All welcome to join us in our traditional assembly. All brothers are encouraged to attend to build fraternity and engage collaboratively on the planning and execution of the council's goals and objectives. Come help us build our Mission and Vision.